Castlebarcove Forum


The Body Corporate for Castlebar Cove CTS 37148 holds a 30-year lease of land (having the area of 0.41280 Ha.) from the State, which incorporates the Castlebar Cove marina.

The land the subject of the lease is improved with a marina, which includes 13 marina berths.

The marina is for the exclusive use of the occupants of lots within the scheme. The marina lease prohibits the berths being made available to the general public.

The lease is tied to the scheme land by a registered covenant.

Thirteen scheme lot owners have been granted exclusive use and enjoyment of a marina berth pursuant to By-laws 45 and 46. The lot owners granted exclusive use of a berth are identified in schedule E of the CMS.

A lot owner or occupier of a lot having the exclusive use and enjoyment of a marina berth must at all times comply with the terms of the applicable by-laws and the marina lease.

Click here for a copy of the 30-year marina lease.

Click here for a copy of the Marina Lease Plan SP179376.

Click here for a copy of a drawing, which identifies the marina berths.

Click here for a copy of the covenant.

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